Upcoming paintings
Be a part of something special and meaningful!
The artist seeks families and individuals to participate in several stunning painting projects scheduled for 2023, 2024, and 2025. Here are the details of this unique opportunity:
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Step OneChoose the painting you would like to be a part of from the list below |
Step Two
Pre-purchase a copy for $690
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Step ThreeSend photos
1 | Little girl, I say to you, get up! | Raising of Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:21-43) | See here | |
2 | Young man, I say to you, get up! | Jesus raises a widow's son from the dead in Nain (luke 7:11-17) | See here | |
3 | Dec 2024 | Behold my Beloved Son.. hear ye him | Jesus Descends from Heaven to Visit the Americas (3 Nephi 11) | See here |
4 | Feb 2025 | Go in peace and be freed from your suffering | Jesus healing the bleeding woman Luke 8:43-48 | See here |
5 | Jun 2025 | Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well | Cleansing ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19) | See here |
6 | Oct 2025 | Son, your sins are forgiven | The paralyzed man was healed (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26) | See here |
7 | Dec 2025 | You are set free from your infirmity. | Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath (Luke 13:10-17) | See here |
8 | Feb 2026 | Who is without sin be the first to throw a stone | Jesus forgives a Woman in adultery (John 8:1-11) | See here |
9 | Jun 2026 | The Love Beyond Our Understanding | Jesus Christ surrounded by children from around the world. | See here |
1- How much time would it take for me to be part of a painting?
It would take 20 minutes if you live in Utah (photo session). If you live outside of Utah, you can send us your photos.
2- What do I need to do to be part of it?
The only requirement is to pre-purchase a copy of the painting.
3- What else is included in the $690?
The $690 includes the value of your copy, a high-quality canvas of 35x24 inches. This includes painting a person or a married couple. It does not include a frame or shipping cost.
4- Can I include my children, grandchildren, pets, or other deceased loved ones in this painting?
Yes, the cost is $250 per additional person or $350 per deceased person. You can also include friends if you want. Please note that you will receive one copy by default, and additional copies cost $250 each.
5- Can I pay in installments?
Yes, the initial amount and the number of installments depend on the client's budget, as long as it is fully paid before the photoshoot or at least 4 months before the painting delivery date. There is a 10% discount for early payment if it is an option for the client.
6- Usually models are paid, why do I have to pay to be in these paintings?
You are not paying to be in the painting, you are pre-purchasing a fine and beautiful canvas copy of a painting of Jesus Christ where you are part of it. Commercial brands usually look for models with certain special features that represent more sales for them, which is why they are paid. In this case, you do not need to have any special features to be part of Jesus Christ's paintings because they do not make any difference in its sale. Literally anyone can access this lovely experience.
7- Artists usually charge 50% upfront and the other 50% upon delivery of the work, why does it have to be paid 100% in advance?
When a person hires an artist to paint, they usually pay 50% or 60% upfront to start. This covers the costs of materials, etc., and allows the artist to work without interruptions. In this case, you will pay $690 for a copy of a painting in which you are portrayed with Jesus Christ. This price is below the market value, but it allows the artist to reach more people and paint more paintings in a year. However, payments must be made in advance to avoid a lack of liquidity during the process and delays in case the client encounters any unforeseen circumstances. Deleting or redoing a painting would not only cause a delay but also a significant loss.
Garth Smith. | ![]() |
"My wife Diane and I had the opportunity to be a part of John Zamudio's painting "Welcome Home". We were very excited to do this as we are both big fans of John's works. We sent John a few photographs of us together. We had a rough idea of what the painting would be, but neither of understood the impact we would feel as we opened the shipment of the finished print and saw ourselves depicted in such a beautiful setting, standing next to the Savior. It was humbling to imagine what it must really be like to stand next to Jesus Christ. John's painting carried such a spiritual feeling...so much so that we chose to place the painting in our bedroom as a reminder that we are on a constant quest to be close to the Savior. Thank you, John, for your amazing talents that brings so much passion for Christ to the rest of the world." Garth Smith - LDS Pianist - www.garthsmithmusic.com
Christy Shepherd | ![]() |
“John has been very pleasant to work with. He is extremely talented and has amazing artistic vision. His work is always very beautiful. I highly recommend the experience of working with him! You will be very pleased! “ . Christy Shepherd - Owner www.Christysbookkeepingservices.com
Jessica Drew | ![]() |
When the idea of being in a painting with Christ was presented to me, I was overjoyed! You see paintings of Him all the time and often don't know anyone else in them, to be able to be those people there with Him was an amazing thought! So, we (my husband and I ) talked about it, and thought what an amazing treasure it would be in our home to have. John was great to work with and communicated all the details very well. We are more than pleased with the end result, the details and the colors in our painting are phenomenal. We have it as the center of our home and will cherish it forever. Everyone who comes in and sees it asks how we did it! I am so grateful to John and his amazing talent for bringing this into our lives. Thank you! .. Jessica Drew. Utah (Painting In Xpuhil)
Mandy Rady | ![]() |
We were so grateful for the opportunity John gave us!! The thought of having your family in a painting on your wall with the Savior in it was honestly exciting and humbling really!! I love the painting and John is so amazing and has such a gift and talent for creating such a spiritual gift!! I know this painting has been a blessing and a real treasure in our home!! John was very professional through the whole process and kept us informed on the painting. He is a very kind and humble person which made us all feel very comfortable throughout the whole process! Thank you John for using the gift you were given!! .. Mandy Searle Rady Utah (Painting In Xpuhil)